Agility Classes and Competition Training

Aglity Classes & Competition Training
Seattle Agility Center offers the area's only 7 days a week indoor agility facility for recreational and competition agility students at our Renton-Maple Valley Arena. This location features a 72' X 108' beautiful indoor arena with compacted sawdust floor and regulation competition equipment. Bring your dog the first week to all agility classes.
- Pre-registration is required. Sign-up now.
- Pricing is based on the length of the session. See prices.
- We offer many class options. Check the schedule.
Class Details
Agility Foundations
(4 Week Class - 1 Hour Sessions)
This four week class is the first step in agility. It is an opportunity to see if agility is right for you and your partner and the first step in learning to enjoy this popular, fun sport! Dogs and handler will be introduced to a variety of agility equipment including jumps, tunnels, hoops, tables, and A frame. The teams will learn skiills to work off leash and run courses of 8-10 obstacles. Open to dogs over 9 months of age with solid obedience skills around distractions, no reative or out of control dogs will be advanced to Agility 101.
Agility 101
(7 Week Class - 1 Hour Sessions)
Prerequisite Agility Foundation or instructor permission
In agility 101 teams will continue improving handling skills introduced in Agility Foundation and add weave poles and dog walk to equipment skills. Handler skills to successfully complete 12 obstacle courses will be introduced and practiced. New courses will be available each week to refine dog's skills on all equipment and teamwork between handler and dog.
Agility 102
(7 Week Class - 1 Hour Sessions)
Prerequisite: Agility 101 or instructor permission if dog has had agility experience elsewhere.
This course continues to develop a strong foundation in obstacle negotiation and handling skills. Teams will also increase off-leash control and communication.
Agility 103
(7 Week Class - 1 Hour Sessions)
Prerequisite: Agility 102
This course focuses on sequencing, walking courses and strategizing how to handle challenges as well as perfecting foundation skills (we really never stop working on the foundation skills regardless of how advanced we are as a team).
(7 Week Class - 1 Hour Sessions)
Prerequisite: Agility 102
Further practice on course management and sequencing. By completion of this course teams should be able to maneuver all equipment safely, be fairly adept at 6 weaves, perform teeter without assistance, walk a novice course and plan a handling strategy. Upon graduation of this course teams continue into Novice Competition Classes at the Novice Prep level.
Agility Competition Training Classes
(7 Week Class - 1 Hour Sessions)
Novice, Open and Elite
Novice Competition Classes prepare dogs and handlers for beginning level competition. In Open and Elite Prep, you practice and refine advanced competition skills and strategies on AKC, USDAA and NADAC courses, as well as work to improve handling and teamwork with exercises and training games. Classes work in small groups of five to eight people rotating through course work and handling exercises.
To register for competition classes, in addition to instructor approval, the following pre-requisites apply:
1. For all classes, you must have off leash control, be able to keep the dog on task (no ditz runs, excess sniffing, dog aggression, etc.) know how to perform all the equipment, and be able to run a full course.
2. Dog and Handler must have at least 1 leg in Novice Standard for the Open Prep class, or have at least one Open leg for the Elite Prep Class.