Rally Obedience Classes

Rally Obedience Classes

Rally is a fun and interactive activity for dogs and handlers. Rally reinforces basic obedience skills and takes them to a new levels. Teams navigate a numbered course performing a different skill at each station. Training with your dog in rally creates a closer relationship and the skills transfer to living with your dog in the community.

Any dog with basic skills from a STAR puppy or obedience class can try a Rally class. The exercises develop greater focus and impulse control without being boring or repetitive. We offer two levels of Rally, Beginner and Advanced Rally.

For those who really enjoy the activity there are trials for competing with your dog. Your dog does not have to be purebred to compete in Rally. Unlike Obedience competitions, you are able to talk to your dog, point, pat your leg, guide your dog during a rally competition.

Everyone has different goals when taking rally classes. Some want to be active with their dog, while others want to prepare for competition. Each team sets their own goals. This sport improves your dog's focus and builds teamwork and a trusting relationship with your dog in a fun activity by learning to navigate a series of unique exercises.